3 things bring me joy

Three Things That Bring Me Joy

#1. My Wi-Fi Enabled Digital Picture Frame

Three Things that Bring Joy to my Life

Initially purchased for the viewing pleasure of my toddler, my family’s Wi-Fi-enabled picture frame was nothing more than my attempt to feed my kid’s obsession with seeing himself in photographs, while keeping him off “screens.” It served its purpose beautifully and beyond. Three years later and no longer screen-free, the looping slideshow of our most cherished trips, moments, and people keeps memories alive and sparks joy, laughter, & daily conversation. Everyone should have one of these!

To add photos, I upload the pics from my phone onto the frame’s cloud right from the app. Within seconds the images appear on the screen. The frame also makes a terrific gift. I gave one to my mother last year, and she loves it! I can send photos from my phone no matter where I am, and the frame subtly lets her know of fresh content. I am going on three years with my AEEZO WiFi Digital Frame. It is still strong and has plenty of room for more images (and videos). Moreover, this is one of the only digital frames I have come across that comes in several colors allowing it to blend in beautifully with your home’s decor!

#2. My Bed sheets

Three Things that Bring Joy to my Life

If getting into bed doesn’t prompt spontaneous sighs of satisfaction, you are not living your best life. As a hot sleeper who loves to be nestled under a comforter, the cool component is critical to my comfort level. As such, my bedding fabric choice is luxuriously breathable linen. I sleep in 100% linen sheets from Parachute Home, a direct-to-consumer (mostly online) brand that offers sustainable linens for all your home’s textile needs.

For the tactile set, Via Mizner’s D.E.A Linens offer all of the above along with elegant Italian textiles. And for those “Palm Beach winters” they have the most lovely cashmere throws.

three things

#3. My Solitaire Baroque Pearl on Leather

So many reasons why this bijou brings me such joy. Purchased in St. Barth’s, this beautiful Baroque pearl was an anniversary gift from my husband on the first vacation we took following the quarantine situation. This trip was also the first time we took our son to the place where we truly fell in love and then, several years later, became husband and wife. There is emotional significance linked to this piece,  but even taking the emotion out, this pearl’s beauty radiates joy. This month, take stock of what meaningful wares you have in your closet that might trigger a fond memory, fill your heart with warmth, and elicit a smile? And if you happen to be missing a pearl in your collection, these exquisite Tahitian ones have made their way from my beloved St. Barths onto the shelves of our beloved Via Coquina! Just another reason to stop into this treasure trove for beautiful baubles …My fave!

three things

To stay informed of all the things I am admiring, wearing and coveting in between my monthly Altima Palm Beach blog contributions, follow me on Instagram

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